EETS Domain Statement

Do you not agree to the fine?

Things worth knowing before raising an objection

  1. Lack of knowledge of the rules is not grounds for the cancellation of the fine if the fine has been issued on a correct basis.
  2. The fine is always issued to the registered owner (user) of the truck, even if the owner was not the one driving the truck. In cases where it is not the registered owner (user) who raises an objection, a power of attorney must always be attached to the objection. The power of attorney must state who gives the power of attorney to whom, and which permissions are being granted.
  3. If you have sold the truck, but still received a fine, you can raise an objection.
  4. The objection must be submitted within 60 days of the date of the fine. 

Would you like to raise an objection?

Answers to your questions

I have received a fine for a truck I did not own at the time of the offence

The fine is issued to the registered owner (user) of the truck in the Danish Motor Register (DMR). If the truck did not belong to you at the time of the offence, you can raise an objection. If the objection is rejected and the fine is not paid, the case will be handed over to the Danish police.

If you have sold a Danish registered truck and the new owner has not re-registered the truck in their name, it is possible to contact the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency after four (4) business days and have the truck deregistered. You can read more on the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency's website.

I have received a fine, and my truck was stolen at the time of the offence

The fine is issued to the registered owner (user) of the truck in the Danish Motor Register (DMR). If the truck was stolen at the time of the offence, you can raise an objection. If the objection is rejected and the fine is not paid, the case will be handed over to the Danish police. You can attach documentation of the reportering to the police to the objection, indicating that your truck was stolen at the time of the offence.

I do not agree with the CO2 emission class in which the truck is registered

If you do not agree with the CO2 emission class in which the truck is registered, you should contact the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency for guidance.

I would like to know more about the processing of my personal data