Who has to pay toll?

As of 1 January 2025, trucks of 12 tons and above must pay road toll depending on how far they drive and how much CO2 they emit.

1 January 2025

The law on road tolls applies from 1 January 2025.

Trucks of 12 tons and above

As of 1 January 2025, trucks of 12 tons and above are to pay road toll based on how much CO2 they emit.

The public road network

The toll applies to driving on the main part of the Danish state road network and parts of the Danish municipal road network.

Do I have to pay toll?

You must pay road toll from 1 January 2025 if your truck weighs 12 tons or more and is used for freight transport.

You can see the truck's technical total weight in the Danish Motor Register (DMR) or on the registration certificate in the field F1.

You can also see the truck's registered usage in the Danish Motor Register (DMR).

As a general rule, you will have to pay toll from 2025 if you currently pay road use tax.

These vehicles do not have to pay toll

As a general rule, you will not have to pay toll from 2025 if you currently not pay road use tax.

It applies:

  • Vehicles belonging to the military, the state emergency services, the police, and road authorities.
  • Vehicles designed for firefighting and rescue operations and only used for emergency response.
  • Vehicles owned and exclusively used by emergency commissioners and not used commercially in competition with businesses.
  • Trucks used solely by driving schools for training and practice driving.
  • Trucks registered to a circus or an amusement park and only used to transport the company's equipment, not for freight transport.
  • Vintage trucks.

The proposal is expected to be introduced in the autumn of 2024, where the above is expected to be passed.

Do you believe your truck is not registered correctly?

If you can document that the information in the Danish Motor Register about your truck does not match the information on the registration certificate or the customer information file, you can register the truck for an inspection.

The inspection company can subsequently update the Danish Motor Register with the correct information.

If the updated information affects the CO2 emission class classification, the classification in the Danish Motor Register will reflect the information from the inspection.

Language: English

Language: English